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Our Program Offerings for 2024-2025 | 5785

Both Rodef Shalom and Beth Shalom expect all student to be enrolled in one of our prayer Hebrew programs beginning in 3rd grade.  All students enrolling in a Hebrew program must be enrolled in Sunday Religious School as well.


Early Bird discounted tuition rates are applied to all completed registrations received by July 31, 2024.

Religious School

Religious Schol

Religious School

Kindergarten - 7th Grade


9:30am - 12:00pm
@ Rodef Shalom Congregation

Throughout the years, students will engage their heritage through Jewish texts, history, tefillah, holidays and Jewish values.


A Sunday morning at J-JEP includes our entire school coming together as a community for a joyful 30-minute visual and musical tefillah (prayer) service, where students practice their prayers and learn how prayer can be practical, useful and guide them to gratitude and empathy.​


Kindergarten - 3rd Grades

Along with regular class time, each class participates in a 30-45 minute special each Sunday, rotating between cooking, music, library and art.


4th - 7th Grades

Opposite their hour of class time, students take a chug (elective), with new options offered every 5 weeks.  Current and past options have included:

Rabbinics:  Torah Study


Discover Israel

3D printing

Rabbinics: Halacha

Echoes and Reflections: Holocaust 

Jr. Choir

Mosaic Making

Ceiling Tiles of Jewish Heroes

Rabbinics: Hillel and Akiva

Dance and Movement


Religious School

8th Grade


9:30am - 12:00pm
@ Rodef Shalom Congregation

8th graders can try our program for four sessions with their friends to see if it's something they enjoy and would like to continue with.  No commitment required - Just bring an open mind. When you register, we will only bill for the $50 registration fee.  Tuition for the 8th grade program will not be billed unless your child has decided to stick with it after four sessions.


  • Israel: Learn about Israel with more honesty and nuance: Why there is Israel in the first place? What are the roots of anti-Semitism? How can we criticize Israel fairly? How can we respond to criticism that doesn't seem fair?​

  • Learn to Teach: Introduction to classroom teaching techniques to prepare to become one of our madrichim. Towards the end of the year we will get you in front of a class to try out your new skills!​

  • Tzedakah: Have an impact on our community by determining the recipients of our tzedakah money & present your choices to our younger students.​

  • Kulam by Moving Traditions:  is "Hebrew High School curriculum that promotes shleimut (individual wellbeing), hesed (connection), and tzedek (just action) for Jewish high school students."  See  for more details.

  • You decide: We've built space into our 8th grade course to dive into topics that the students want to explore.


Hebrew Programs

All students in grades 3 - 6 are enrolled in one of our two Hebrew options. 


Family Prayer Hebrew is students along with an adult partner (usually parent) on Sunday mornings

at Rodef Shalom, before our regular Sunday program. 

An additional hour of study together during the week is expected.  


Wednesday Prayer Hebrew takes place after school at Congregation Beth Shalom.

  During these two hour sessions, students receive an additional opportunities to play games with their

Hebrew letters and vocabulary, as well as time to explore the meaning and spiritual connections to prayers.


All students enrolling in a Hebrew program must be enrolled in Sunday Religious School as well.


Prayer Hebrew


8:25am - 9:25am
@ Rodef Shalom Congregation
Grades 3-6

Students learn to read and understand Hebrew prayers side-by-side with a parent or other adult partner in class the hour before religious school.  Students and their family partner are expected to review for one hour together during the week.


We offer childcare during this hour free of charge for younger J-JEP siblings that are not enrolled in a Hebrew class.


Prayer Hebrew


4:30pm - 6:30pm
@ Congregation Beth Shalom
Grades 3-6

Our midweek prayer Hebrew program begins

with a creative 30-minute service before

splitting up into classes by level, from learning

the Alef Bet to leading the Torah Service.  ​

An afternoon snack is provided.  

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High School

High School Options

Madrichim Program

Sunday Mornings

@ Rodef Shalom Congregation
Grades 9-12

Build your skills and your resume by spending Sunday mornings working alongside one of our educators assisting in the classroom while increasingly taking on lesson planning and teaching responsibilities. 


We have added an experienced adult to supervise, guide, and mentor our teens as they proceed through this experience.


As a madrich/a, you can choose to use the time you spend with us as volunteer hours or be paid. 


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Tuition for Unaffiliated Students


For families who are not affiliated with Congregation Beth Shalom or Rodef Shalom Congregation, we apply an additional $1500 Community Fee to the tuition of each student enrolled in grades Kindergarten through 8th Grade.  The Community Fee reflects the subsidy our congregations contribute on behalf of each of their member students attending religious school to keep tuition low.


Unaffiliated families are not required to pay the Community Fee during their first school year attending J-JEP.

An adjusted confirmation will be emailed to you after registration by the J-JEP office removing the fee if this is the case.

For all unaffiliated families that register, a security fee of $200 will be added to the final tuition total.


If you have any questions about tuition or membership, please contact Assistant Director Rabbi Stephanie Wolfe.


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